Sunday 1 June 2008

During Holidays ...

During this holiday season , erm although it only last for two weeks , but it means a lot to me , The first thing i m going to do it , SLEEP !!! SLEEP SLEEP !! Man i really need sleeping though , during the examination week , almost everyday crawling up from my bed at the midnight , went for studies , and is really kut , i needed to set a time , and make sure that i will be manage to memorized all those words on time , like for example , let's say I 'll take business subjects tomorrow for exams , then , set the time ok , in 3 minutes , read page 89 to 90. Then , memorized out everything that you have read in 3 minutes again , then proceed to another page...the whole thing just repeat over and over again , it ends up , my brain is going to burst for that... So , i really needed some good sleeps , no nightmares for me , just sleep sleep sleep... wakaka...

Then , erm , planning for a trip maybe with friends , ya know , is kinda boring to live in my place , no friends , no great places to go , unconvenience enough...So, was planning for a trip to genting highland on this wednesday , but ... haiz for one day only nia ~ man , started to felt that , growing up is boring nia ~ if is last time , i could went out almost everyday in a week , but now , haiz... what the shit , plus , the whether is getting hotter and hotter , wouldn't like it if the whether was that hot , who wants to go out and came home like a rousted human ? Especially a girl like me , muahahah!! I always making sure that my skin won't be burn by the sun , don't want to be like indians ~ blek muahahah !! And all my friends , working , studies ... haiz.. if is my last time , every night we will lepak at the mamak store near my house , Taman University Indah , what a memorable places , almost every single each of my friends live there... *sigh* we can buy beer and sit at the play ground talking , drinking , singing , and all kinds of stuff. coolie , especially when when kester came to my house for piano practice , every tuesday ( there will be a night market held there every tuesday , both of us sure ask denise or or jian or meng juan out de ... now... haiz.. no liao ~ *sad* ) , or or we held on small barbecue community... see that ? Growing up , isn't fun at all.. cheh.

Study , i need to study , that's what i'm fearing of now , STPM , and MUET , really hope i can succeed it , it left only few months now , i have to do it !! Gambatte yo esther !! You !! Can !! You need to be a University student , that's what you always stuggling for , can't lose , can't fall , muahahah !! Don't really score for A's but at least cukup makan for me to be accepted by the University , then then ok liao lah ~ but man STPM is really hard , isn't hard to study , but hard to score , their expectation for pre - University student , is too high nia ~ put so high for what ? man oh man. I wonder did my parents make a research for STPM before ? Why so HAI put me in ? Only knew putting those HAI expectations on me cheh , but do they know i really want this ? for Now , i only have to wait for the death note result. If i was been given a chance to study courses that I wish for , I can sure of that , I will be studying very much more better than what i m studying right now.

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