Monday 23 June 2008


When I have arrived , I was alone. This places , seems strange and new to me somehow , where is this place ? The weather,is feels like...haiz.. And then I walk , and walk , until... I saw a Palace... a huge palace. The outer design of that palace , was exactly the same as those palace that can usually be seen in the European country. A little bit greeny i remember , but kinda dark colour it was...Something , I don't know what it is , push me in, so i did. I went into that palace , inside it , was dark, no lights , but still remain clear.A women came to me and welcome me in,she told me that she is the one who responsible for bringing me in and visit this Palace. I don't really understand and clear about what she said, and i don't remember a thing now about her expression .So she did brought me in and have a look around....inside there, was gloomy as well...But you can always see lightning and storm surrounding the whole palace... only the weird thing is , you couldn't hear any sounds of it...

I really forgotten lots of thing about there , until she take me out of that huge building , we were still remain in the Palace territory , I saw no lightning and storm again , only gloomy sky. Infront of me , was a very huge swimming pool , beside that swimming pool , there were some basketball players playing basketball over there ''-.- man what a strange place. Next , she insisted me to follow her going somewhere , so then i follow, but i saw two guys that looks familiar to me , I saw Kah Khun and Roti Brother ( My primary schoolmates and also secondary schoolmates , can be considering as old pals ) they both were in the basketball team , playing all together. They saw me , and they call my name , I was totally shock when I saw them both looks taller than they were last time.... I was wondering how they could manage to increase their height that quick ? Both of them are like a giant to me now !! Was indeed , a bit scary... to see them grow that tall. But still , I wave my hands back to them , and continue myself following that women... but... where is she ?

I saw a staircase... so I decided to went up and see what's up there .... I ran upwards , until I reach the toppers floor, I saw nothing.... but just some wooden fences surrounded the whole place... only a certain part wasn't fencing it... so i decided to went down again... but hey? Where is the staircase ? I was using it for the last few minutes didn't I? Oh god , how am I going to get down there ? Suddenly , I heard someone calling my name again , is... near the corner where there is no fences surrounding it...So I walked near there , and seek for the person who was calling my name. Luckily !! It was Khun and Roti Brother, they , woah.... ''-.- they were tall enough to have the same measure height as one building does. Kinda...weird though... their leg looks really thin and fragile.... but long. No longer then I told them about my situation,they decided to help me by asking me to step on their arms and they will bring me down from the top, but ... what !!?? Step onto their arms !!!? Oh dear , please don't scare me , was really high up there , I was frigging scare !! But still I did (xP) . I step on it ( their arms) and immediately Khun grab my body , I hung my hands around his neck and he bring me down, phew !!!! Thanks pal , ;).

Suddenly, the whole thing surrounded me were changing. I was now ,standing in a green green glassy field , with lots of colourful flowers and mushroom , but kinda huge... like those always seen in the television programmed .... erm what was that name again ? Teletubies right ? I don't know what the shit am I going through now , but still this place was freaking awesome, cute and nice. Then i heard some girl's calling my name again, I turn my head back , and I saw Poh yue....also one of my classmate...Huh? Why is she here anyway? She's wearing a very beautiful gaun..and she's beautiful.She brought along some few girls which I couldn't see their faces clearly and properly. They were selling roses... Black roses. Well , wasn't really that black after all , indeed , was darker red. Really nice colour they were. Poh yue grab my hand, like she usually does in the actual world,and bringing me forward...further to some place where I saw lots of Japanese houses , ya know , like those wooden house all rooms combine together... each room has the same measuring. And each room ... has the same decoration ''-.-. I saw each owner of the room was sitting there , playing piano... their piano were all near the doors, and their doors were open as well. They never stop, kept playing and playing , but no sound at all. Then Poh Yue , she came to a woman's room, asking her if she wants any black roses...hey... this woman... she's my school teacher , what the ''-.- Pn.. Leo Lily !? What is this shit going on here!!? As usually does , she stare at us with a pair of cold eyes... and remain silent. But still , she got up from her piano chair , and walk out , choose the biggest black roses from us. Erh... I didn't saw her paying us any money or I forgot about it whatever.... but then she put it into a vase , and continue playing at her own piano. When we tend to leave , suddenly she called my name , and ask me whether I want to buy her roses or not ? what the shit ''-.- then you bought it for what if you wanted to sell me for the first place anyway. But weird... I told her that maybe I would buy from her tomorrow, she still remain silent , and look at me with her pair of cold eyes ( like she wanted to murder someone else ) and sat down again , continue practicing her own no sound music. We all leave... then the whole situation change again.

Ok , fuck you , where is this place now ? Can I just leave here pls ? Is really a strange place it was... I was back to the place where all the sky were gloomy and blue... man this feeling... this feeling was like ..... I was four at that time , and and , my parents use to send me for baby sitting everyday, that place where my parents send me to , the feelings... was exactly the same as now... gloomy , and blue... the skies always seems rainy to me but no rain at all. Then some nice colour of flowers .... is all exactly the same....purple colour lah ~ pink colour lah ~ I always remember , when my dad fetch me in with his car , then ask me to go in myself. Then , there is one nice baby sitter, always smile at me when she saw me. But of course , not all I could remember. I was four that time at my age.

Then the place change again ~ ''-.- shit , gan bi nia but chew chi bai indian marabutt. This time , was a hospital, I saw a room with lots of babies in it.But only one baby were left outside the room. I walk near to the baby, and look at him/ or her... that baby was very very quiet...other babies inside that room , all were crying , some so called nurse ( with a very very strange holloween costume , cheh , no wonder baby kept crying lah~ ) were looking after them.Then I continue looking at the baby who lies infront of me ~ hey ~ that baby smile towards me ~ cuty one. ^^ Then suddenly, a women appear infront of me ( what the shit ''-.- , wei , stop lah wei ~ you scare me lah ~ fuck you) She was the women I saw at first , when she said she will bring me visiting this places. ( cheh , you fail your duty auntie ~ ) She look at me , and said , this baby , is you. Huh ? @.@ Hey I remember now ~ my mom used to told me that , when i was born , the hospital has no space left for me to stay inside that room , so i was the only baby that left outside the room , at the corridor there.... But still , muahahahah ~ mummy said I was a good girl no cry de !! ( ^^v , PEACE) The next thing , that women said something , I don't really remember what she said... but the only one sentence were clear to me was , what ah... ~ you were born alone ? And will be alone for the rest of your life ? ( in chinese lah ~ ) this is your destiny ? wtf !! choi !! ''-.- man this place was weird weird weird , the situation keep changing , everything kept changing ~ really stupid !! Then she kept mumbles mumbles ~ I can't clearly hear what she says , but this woman, she looks familiar to me, where have I seen her before ?

Actually there were lots of places I had been to ~ including the place where I stay for a night , the place where I found it cool and interesting , but really I'm sorry , I can't remember a thing now , only a few that stated above there , was the clearest part where i could really remember.
The only thing i knew was , I woke up early in the morning , 2am something ,then i discover that everything that happens no longer ago was only a dream , I was sort of afraid with that dream I got because everything seems really weird and strange to me...Mushroom head... huge flowers.. Ancient European Palace... Black roses ... a chinese woman ~ my teacher and some few friends of mine... and some more but i couldn't even remember them.

*sigh* ''=.= tired...

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