Tuesday 17 June 2008

T.T get off of me , i don't need you guys.

T.T .... *SNIF SNIF* You guys.. really disapppointed me. I don't need a friend who doesn't support me and still discriminating me with your silly so call jokes ... I just needed a friend who will support me T.T , can be just words ,nothing else,I don't need more,then that's enough .Did i ever ask you guys to help me up before ? No.I did not ask you guys to help me at all ,because i knew i could handle all these on my own.( You guys didn't even wish to help me I m sure ) But why did you guys always looking down on me and insulted me with terrible words ? Maybe, you can just remain quietly and leave me alone if you do not wish to discover my real ability ( and always try to find the less side of me ) , and I don't care after all. But at this moment , you guys are over , I was hurt , but still remain strong. I will not give up until the end , and will not let anyone of you to disturb those decision that I've make , because no one in this world could make me feel inferior without my own permission. Pls , would you all just shut up ? If you guys are jealous at me then let's all together battle fair and square ( instead of constantly accusing me cheating in the examination ) ,if you were not , I shall say that stabbing other's back is a cowardly act. Whatever it is , I believe in my own ability, and i wanted to prove you guys that you guys were wrong about me.We'll see. I'll just remain silent now , say whatever you guys wished to say, I did not want to decrease my own knowledge and wisdom because of your cowardly , bad , stupid and negative thoughts . I have my own vision about my own future , you guys are just a bunch of rubbish and small matter to me , instead of what I'm having now, I'll still continue proving myself to be better and better . Sorry to let you guys feel disappoint , but i will continue walking through this journey of mine. And I'm sure that I could succeed better than anyone of you here.Better watch out. Yes , i did cry , but that doesn't mean I have lost , In fact , I have stronger mind ever than usual , and is like an alarm that reminds me to fight for my own dignity, I will not hate you guys because you guys , doesn't deserve for me to hate , I won't let myself to be punish by my own angerness for the mistake that you guys did to me. And I will never !! Drop any single of my tears infront of these dumb humans.

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