Friday 27 June 2008

Weird taxi driver .... ''-.-

After having a whole day learning and cooking ( including writing three pieces of stupid essay ) I was really really really damn tired... and still , Yap asked me to accompany her practicing a song using school's old piano~ So I agree to teacher her one very very very simple song, LONG LONG AGO.Which is a song that can be categorized as level 6 in the piano grades. Is level six , not grade six.I give examples to her , teaches her how to play , hold her hands one by one , sing together with her , repeating the same song over and over and over and over.... again. Few hours were passing by , and she could only manage to mastered the intro version of Long Long ago, pity. thats only the verse part...bass part...the frontest note.So then I try asking her to relax and talk with me.And so we did, we both chat and chat until 6 O'clock.We decided to leave the school

I take the bus from school , and arrive at The Mines bus stop.So that I could take another bus and back to my own place.But man , I was too tired.Couldn't wait the bus for an hour anymore... moreover , there were lots of people waiting for the bus....must be full today.haiz.... Suddenly there is one blue colour taxi came in and stop infront of me.A decision was playing in my mind whether I will took the taxi or the bus ? If I took the taxi , it will cost me 10 ringgit... expensive though... but if I took the bus, I will definately went back home late.AH !!! Doesn't care anymore , I'll take the taxi , cost me ten riggit then I don't care.

When I open the taxi's door , I saw a man who had this arabian look , or bosnia , I don't know, but I told him the place I stay and he told me the prize , and I accepted the prize , and that's it. I went back home by taking the taxi.At first , both of us remain silent until when I almost reach my home , I told him to go futher , and he ask me which school I'm taking , I told him that I study at Seri Serdang school , the next thing he ask , was a little bit weird , He ask me whether I had a boyfriend , I said Yes ( bluff haha ) , and then the conversation begins with

arabian / bosnia taxi guy : Ohhh , you have boyfriend , I see I see... how waste..

Me : what ? waste ? haha why ?

Arabian / bosnia taxi guy : well if you don't have one , I might consider to have you as my girlfriend.

Me : oh , haha , you were too kind.

Arabian/bosnia taxi guy : How old are you ?

Me: 19

Arabian / bosnia taxi guy : 19 !? Woah ! I thought you were younger ^^ because you were wearing uniform and you definately look younger than your age.

Me : really ? thanks

Arabian/bosnia taxi guy : well but still , that's quite a young age , I was 10 years older than you , haha me 29 now.

Me : I see , that's cool

Arabian/bosnia taxi guy : hey , why don't you try help me to find a girl like you ?

Me : why would you want a girl like me ? I have nothing good :P

Arabian/bosnia taxi guy : well , you look beautiful

Me : oh ? thanks , that's too kind of you

Arabian /bosnia taxi guy : HAHAHA !! KIND HAHAHAH !!

Me : yes yes , thanks for the compliment

and when he arrives at my place, he IS still talking to me the same thing about finding a girlfriend that looks like me for him and say is more better if I m the one , and so on ,and he handed his phone number to me , just like.... what onisan did the last time... oh my god.He's a random poor taxi guy man oh man. This is crazy. I paid him the money , and tend to get off the car , he still ask me to miss call him , or contact him afterwards. Of course , I put a fake smile for him and say , oh oh , hahah ok ok . ( blek , don't want )and ask me whether did I always took the taxi back home. ( I answer him nah , nope , only this time ... actually :P many times already lo ~~ hahaha !! XD )

the conclusion is , weird taxi driver nowadays on the road. pLS BE CAREFUL.THANK YOU.

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