Sunday 29 June 2008

Back to China 2

Ok , let us continue the last Back to China topic. Where was I ? OH yep , about the holly Emperor that owns millions of wifes , concubines and all that. So , that's the reason why the older chinese people especially our ancestor have the same thought as " there is nothing wrong for the male to owns thousands of wives"

Ok , end the males topic shall we ? Let's go to the Female's topic then. Always , since from the ancient time of chinese , the female's , holds no authority in their hands. From the day when they were born , their status were set till the lowest in their family. For example : Lady Desiree , gave birth to a baby , is a girl. When she tend to accept the word " congratulations" by other people who was waiting for her outside the room , what she got was >> " a girl ? oh... I see... is a girl then. " , or " nevermind , this time is a girl , next time could be a boy " .... better one would be >> " nah is ok , baby girl is better than baby boy , at least she could take care of you haha... "
She never had the chance to say " Thank you" , until... the next few years later , she gave birth again , to a baby boy this time , immediately the whole crowd of friends and family came to her and shouted happily , CONGRATULATIONS !! Is a BOY !!!

see that ?

Now back the the Sheung's families , four wifes , never dare to say anything about Husband's perverted attitude. When the new wives came , they could only hide their jealousy feelings without letting the husband know anything about it. Sooner , this jealousy that hides beneath it explode. All four wives tried so hard to keep their status in the family. Back stabbing others , spread false rumours against each other , try to make each other ashamed of their own attitude infront of The Master ( their husband ). They will certainly be happy when any one of them were force to face the PUNISHMENT.Now Let me tell you , what's this so call PUNISHMENT are , different crime has different level of punishment , If you are the one that always backstabbing others and spread false rumours about something , you will get beaten rudely by using a ruler , onto your mouth , until it turns red and bleeding. Another punishment , was using 4 different canes , from the smallest cane ( looks big to me ) to the thickest one ( with thorns ) , the punishment will be perform by their husband , that's the Master , suit with his mood. I remember a scene where the third wives got beaten terribly by using the second thickest stick, until her whole body were bleeding , and full with horrible scars. Her Fourth wives , fornicates with another guy without his permission , the she got killed , by tiding her into a basket , and drowned her into the well ( Any women who tries to fornicates with another guy , is a crime , that will cause them to death , that's drowning them into the sea or any places with water ). Her daughter , was secretly in love with a servant , but unfortunately , her dad , The Master found it , and was very very angry with her. He cut off her hair , until she looks ugly , and lock her into the room. She was the youngest daughter in the family , and was ask to do everything her parents want her to do , reading poetry , playing music instrument , and avoid from reading adventures or loves stories ( because it was called cheap and lowly classes for them ) it is better for their daughter not to went out and see the World , to show the higher classes of their family status.

to be continue...

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