Friday 27 June 2008

If I were given a chance

If I was given a chance , I really do hope I could stay forever 17. Stay together with my friends again , doing scouts activities all together , arguing all together , crying all together , and happy all together again :) ... haiz... I hope I can meet albert again ... he's the best leader I ever had , and my bestest brother.I hope... we all friends and classmate will run together as a team again , trying so hard for the chinese society activities ... and back stab teacher all the time XD we went passionate with singing , and dancing , *snif snif* and and T.T hardworking together so that all of us could reach the goal for spm.We ponteng class session together , and lie to teachers all together ... we went crazy when teachers were not in class.. hahah those guys always got caught by the fierce dicipline teacher in school Pn pao pao , using the sound system , and call out all their name , while they were playing soccer at the field.The whole school heard that XD how cool !! hahah !! XD nothing ever greater than friends :( especially when they were friends with you for years... :( ..... but now... we sort of loosing contact... all have own lifes .... *sigh* why can't this remain still ? haiz.... still .... things were changing every moment. We have to accept that.

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