Sunday 6 July 2008

A day in KL

I was loosing my mood lately , was really really really sick of everything in here. So i decided to have a walk in KL and see anything changes lately , plus , MEGA SALES has started since yesterday so this would be my chance for a great shopping. After taking the bus , I straight away took the train where it stated in Serdang ( shit , waited for three times , still the train was full !!! man !! ) So , I sat there alone , and listen to some music to chill myself. Well , nice weather today , winds keep blowing , my hair keeps flowing ~ at least , i felt comfortable for while.

When I arrive KL centre , I decided to took another train to Timesquare. Bought the ticket , and walk and walk and walk until I reach the Monorail station. I saw some really beautiful European girls passing by , they looks like models. When I arrive at Timesquare , nothing much change here since last time I saw. Things were getting cheaper and cheaper for the sales, I was very excited !! :D haven't felt such enthusiasm for quite a few months. Then I went to Sungei Wang and done crazy shopping !!! muahahahahah !!! XD so happy lahhh !!! XD

Man I should bring more money lah ~ :( cheh , nevermind next week ask Soon to come out :D she would be happy ^^ ( and also force Yap to come ) !!! and of course Jian as well !! wakakakak !! :D :D oh and siong bah ~ i think :P heheheh ^^ XD I bought a pair of cool shoe , and a nice dress for my own ^^ ~ heheh ~ But still.... man something was missing haiz...

There is one shop , three sales girls , one look very cute , and another one looks cool , with short hair , while i was hanging around at their shop , man three of them were so enthusiasm with selling dresses for me , keep promoting and promoting , i don't even have the time to think which one i should buy ''=.= . But muahahah , I'm not easily being influence by your trick girl , i will control and consider properly together with my shopping list blek :P No longer than , the girl with short hair ( kinda cool :P ) wanted to play a game with me , if I can guess which one of them was the eldest , I don't need to buy any dress for them but if I fail in that game , I need to buy then. *haiz.. * Just want to shopping lah ~ what lah~ At the end , I fail. (T.T) So I buy one dress for them , cheh. I found that the girl with the short hair , seems interested with me , maybe she wants to be friendly i guess , but... she want my number... isn't that a little bit strange ? But oh well , doesn't matter much hahah ^^ is great to know more friends ( especially when she is that cute :P ) ^^ keke.

After finishing shopping , I went back home with Bus. The bus was full of passenger , luckily that bus driver found a nice place for me to seat , thanks bus driver :D. Another ticket seller , went talking to me again , he ask me lots of stuff , where do I stay lah ~ , what have I bought lah ~ and then...

ticket seller : Ah Moi ni hao liang mui ahh ~ ( ah moi means girl girl in chinese , ni hao liang moi , means you are so beautiful )

Me : oh ? hahah thank you thank you ye ke ? tak lah ~ ( =.='' *sigh*

ticket seller : nak tak pergi shopping dengan aku minggu depan ? ( definately not pls , he was asking me to go shopping with him next week )

Me : har ? Tak nak lah ~ penatlah nak study lagi hehe ( cheh )

Ticket seller : study ape ? Satu ari je ... tak gune byk masa

Me : ( cheh , is my time i like it ) Eh , satu ari ku boleh buat byk benda tau ?

Ticket seller : ye ke ? haiz ah mui ~ satu ari je , kita pergi tengok wayang , pergi shopping

Me : haha tengok lah ~ bile ku ada masa ku pergi. ( *vomit* don't want !!! )

ticket seller : ala mui ~ tipu lah ~ tengok kamu ni kaya , mesti selalu pergi shopping lah ~

Me : mane ada !! mega sales mah ~ kalau aku kaya , sekarang semua jenama punye loh ~

Ticket seller : ah ~ awak minggu depan keluar dengan aku , aku beli untuk kamu.

Me : HAHHAHAHAHH !!! HHAHAHAHAHAH !! ( haiz... cheh lah you )

when I arrived at destination ,

Ticket seller : ah mui , tak mau , tak mau pergi !! duduk sini dengan saya

ME : hahahahahah !!! XD hahahahah !! ( haiz... esther , except laughing what else ? cheh )

then I leave the bus , and waited for another one at the bus station.

Haiz... still my mood wasn't that good. I know , trying to avoid from the problems I have now was wrong. Maybe I can pretend that nothing else happen , but still , doesn't mean the problem did not exist. I might be happy for a while , but not long I'm sure. The only solution was to confront with the problem. But... how ?

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