Tuesday 1 July 2008

I had a weird dream again ~

I had a weird dream again this evening , I was napping and , this dream cames to me , it feels so weird man , and horrifying.The only weird thing was , sha gua was inside too. And Qin Shun....another old friend of mine , but why is he there ? Then Yoo see seng ? wtf ? was all Inside my dream....

sha gua was another scene of my dream , then don't know when , it change , into another story where Chin Shun and See seng sat infront of me .... I don't really remember the whole story , but only one scene , when Chin Shun and See seng , having some drinks in a restaurant with me. That place was dark , like it was raining outside ... I don't know what place it is , is just a strange place to me.... man oh man. Chin Shun , he looks depress , and was drinking some wine and beer there , he complaints to me about something , but I don't remember what was it. But he keeps drinking non stop... and was angry.. See seng , never drink any beer in real , but I saw him drinking as well in my dream , and he looks tired.... haiz what happen ? Then , horrible dreams began , man , I remember.... Chin shun , he tries to betray me ? Shit I have no idea about this , but the whole dream was scary , I can feel it , and I was afraid at that time , but why him ? And sha gua's dream , I don't remember a thing about it anymore , only one scene where he came out from the door , and look at me.That's all.


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