Tuesday 22 July 2008

Gengster " SETTLE" fight.

Morning , windy morning. It feels really cold , really really cold , until I had some flu outta my nose.Today's exam , erm , ok lah ~ General Knowledge XD lack of time for that analyzing part, haiz... but most of it , was ok ~ and still can handle still. ;) muahaha

Wait till after school , Waiting for my hai dad again , I saw some cool scene :P where a bunch of Indians were fighting against Indians , how fuck =.='' usually , was Chinese fighting against other Indians and Malay. Seldom really saw those la la chai fight against their own races. But Indian's pulak ''=.= I salute them. No wonder they couldn't even cooperate together as once sometimes. So what's the point of fighting for their own rights from the country if they wouldn't even notice about their problem ? ( I saw some of my Indians so called friends , laughing against each others while they got scold by teachers , and push the responsibility to each others as well =.='' , and the worse is they could still laugh about it like a monkey =.='' )

But whatever it is , I continue on watching them , one of the Indian's member , scolded really loudly with proud... Aha , that reminds me of myself some few years ago , when I was a la la mui , and was kinda a fierce one. ( not kinda , I m -.-'' ) I knew how that Indian feels when he scolded people like that. He feels proud and cool , just like I felt from the last time. I could just scold and scold and scold non stop with all bad words , so hai lah ~ diu lei lou mou ~ fuck hai ~ zhi bet ~ so lin ~ diu nei ah xing ~ ...... ah... from that moments I realize that these words of mine sounds so ugly and yet together with the actions I had , was indeed , embarrassing. Dai gah jeh ? cheh , in a same word , HOOKER. Always , just little things happen >> wei !! go settle with them lo !! ... childish.

Oh well , I glad that is all over now. Will never turn back to that Esther anymore ;). It wasn't really a good memory anyway , So I'll just... forget about it ;)

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