Tuesday 15 July 2008

I don't care.

Early in the morning. Gloomy clouds were floating all around above the sky.Cold wind came in and blew me out. A very cold morning today , suppose it should be raining then , but nope , just cold wind and gloomy weather. Same as my mood and feelings today.

Arriving at school , very tired. Wah , that presentation took me hours to finish it , damn sucks.Haiz , no choice , is for the competition , moreover , is for Soon.Don't want to disappoint her then.Promised her that I will finish it along with all brilliant effects and music. But first thing first,SLEEP. I could really sleep and forget about the class session which it will began to start , until my class teacher called out my name and making sure that if I was there.... @#$%&$^%*(*&%!!!!!

Obviously ,I was wearing yellow today , can't you see ? I just need that little time for some nap also can't cheh. While waiting for the General Knowledge teacher to come , Soon brought the laptop came and ask me to show her my erm , masterpiece :P wakakak. So I show her , but , fuck.This version of Microsoft was damnmit sucks , all my beautiful fonts and animation effects lost together with the song and all. Shit !! @#%$^*@*&#(*%*# !!!!!! Man , man !! Haiz , don't care , SLEEP. But I saw Soon's expression... she wasn't really happy though... *sigh*.... aaaiiii , ok lah ok lah ~

Me : Hey , why don't I'll bring the Laptop here tomorrow , then we could use my laptop and present it to teacher ? Cause mine has the latest Microsoft 2007 , could be better. Unlike this bariah so hai mah hai stupid version of Windows.

Soon : har ~~ ... are you sure ? Afterward your dad...scold you ?

Me : nah , won't ( actually .... erm... he will ) , I'll bring it here tomorrow ok ?

So , ok , this problem solve. Now , SLEEP.


...... -.-'' FOR GOD'S SAKE !! @#$%@*$(@)*($*&@ !!!!!

Haiz... no choice loh ~ Now I really hate this teacher cause she always pay too much attention on me. Why ? Because my English got A all the time , she will purposely pick those student which she thinks , has the better English. ( Including Desmond and Prishan as well. But she will only pick Desmond for some duties , so Des has to be the slave for her. And Prishan ? She will try to make her feel ashame with her attendance all the time , but Prishan wouldn't care anyhow. )
As for me , everybody knows that I m the naughty one in classes , she pick me for that.


ME : K , K .

But , when a person wants to sleep. He/She really mean it !! Can't stand it anymore , wah !! Gou li !! Still need us to finish all those stupid question. ai ai ~ So what did I do ? Still ... SLEEP LO !!

Me : wei Soon , when she came , push me ok ? Now I'll sleep.

Soon : hahah !!! *hehe* esther esther ~ ok lah , you sleep lah , she came I'll call you.

Thanks Soon ~ your the best. AHHHHHHHHH !!! SLEEP AH !! DON'T CARE !!

At last , recess time. After that Bahasa Melayu Class , lagi teruk. I still felt tired , really really tired , no mood , the whole day quiet. Haiz.. Yap ask me for a company to the library .... LIBRARY !!? YEAH !! CAN SLEEP !! But do you really think was that easy ? Really afraid that every minute teacher will wake you up , even in the library , you can't have the chance to nap , plus , there are many students inside there , really noisy , or they will stare at you if you do so. How fuck ~~ I wasn't really comfortable still. But Yap , oh Yap ~ yes Yap ~ that sweet angel girl , she offer herself to let me lean on her shoulders , and sleep , so that I could feel more comfortable on her shoulder , of course I would !! And I really had a great sleeping time , although was only 15 minutes , but I feel satisfied. Her shoulder , woah ~ really nice and soft :P XD !! Thanks Yap ;) glad to know you ;)

After school , having lunch with Soon. Then , wait for my daddy to come fetching me back. I wonder why was he so enthusiasm on fetching us this few months lately ? Who's idea was that ? THANKS TO YOU !! I have to wait for him for hours everyday !! duh !! He came , just as I thought , he scold me again for something that isn't my fault at all... *sigh* Scold lah ~ scold lah ~ scold scold scold , yay !! scold me yay !! hurray !! I don't care ~~ scold ~~

Right now , I just want to get back home , and SLEEP.

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