Thursday 3 July 2008


Today , in the morning , when i woke up , is... 8 am...


WHAT !!!???? 8AM !!!??? fuck fuck !!
I quickly change my clothes , and and wash my face , brush my teeth with extreme speed , my brother was late as well , we both were late today , shit. Then I started to remember something , AIYA !!!!!! Tibo ... :( haiz.... we both promise to chat after he came back from the appointment ne !! :( ahhhhh he must be waiting for me aaaiiii !! stupid me stupid me !! ahhhhhhhh !!! xO !! So sorry so sorry tibo :( man , you waited for me again :( Is my fault ne :( so sorry... *sigh* I must apologize to him tonight :(

I rush to school , and my name has been record T.T... then I ran towards my class , everyone were sitting there quietly , the class session has start. I walk into it , and waved my hands at teacher , feeling awkward and shame , then ,

me : heheheh teacher ^^ , selamat pagi hehheh ^^ ( good morning teacher )

teacher : ehhh , awak ni , lambat hari ni ! ( you were late today )

I just keep smiling and walk to my own place. Phew !!

Then , Desmond was looking at me , I waved my hands towards him and said hi ~ :D , but he ignore me .... T.T haiz... wasn't in a good mood again i guess T.T cheh... *sad sad* Soon came to me and pats my head as usual , then she touches my hair with gentle and smile to me. awww ^^ hehe ^^ Yap was doing her own thing.

During the recess time , Soo Ching said something that makes me feel kinda.... sucks. She was envious about my socializing character , thought that i might be having some tricks to make more friends ... but man ... I don't do any tricks for that =.= so hai. Here's one part of the conversations that makes me really , argggg !! FUCK YOU !!

Soo : Haiz , you don't know es , I wasn't that good as you in socializing and communicating with people , Ya know , not really know pretending and stuff.

Me : Ha ha , oh ? Well , honestly , I never purposely make friends with people. They just came naturally.

Soo : Huh ? So nice ? Nah , then you must be having some nice tactics for making yourself looks gorgeously and people were attracted to you huh especially guys.

Me : ( what ? =.= '' fuck I'm not a prostitute for god's sake !! ) Ha ha , nope , I don't purposely do any tricks for making me feel popular. I don't do that. Friends just came naturally, that's what I said just now. :)

Soo : Oh ? Like that ahh ~ ? Then ok lo ~ you were lucky lo , were fated to have good relationship with all people. Not everyone has those lucks like you have , even how good we are. You are so lucky.

Me : HAHAHA !! LUCKY !! yes , I'm lucky, you were right. So you aren't lucky lah ? Aha... no good relationship with friends ? OR , No people want to be friends with you ? ( this time , I'm piss)

Soo : hehe no lah ~ just not so nice as yours lo ~ don't know why you got lots of friends leh ? But I don't have wor ~

Me : well , i don't see friends as my enemy that's why. Ha ha , no matter how lucky you are , still , using your heart to made friends with people is the most important thing. If your attitude bad , then no friend lah ( blek :P )

Soo : No lah ~ I don't have the luck to have friends lah ~ ( fuck your shit off ) Unlike you ( cheh yeah yeah , I'm lucky cheh ) So lucky lo ~ You were destine to attracts people near you. ( =.='' don't make me sounds like I'm A PROSTITUTE OK !!? )

Me : haha yeah , well it isn't my fault , right ? If people like me , because maybe I'm better lo , won't over being critical minded ( like you ) , then won't easily piss people off ( like you ) , won't predict what people thinks all the time ( like you ) , just easy going ( not like you ) , happy ( not like you ) , said things i should say ( unlike you !! ) , am I right ?

Soo : Yeah lo , maybe lo.

Me : yeah lo ~ you want more friends ah ? Can , of course~ why not. Be like me lah ^^ But not so easy to learn from me lah ~ I'm superb wakakak. Ok lah ~ got to go , see you later then ~ bye ~ remember to smile wor ~ to make , MORE FRIENDS MAH !! HAHAHAHA !! XD ok lah ~ bye bye !! ( *sigh* ''=.= ) I swear i would tore her into pieces if i was allow to do that arggg !!

Afternoon , stays at school for some duties that haven been finished yet. Saw Han at the other room of the library , she was concentrating on her studies alone i see , so i tend to knock the door ... but.... erm .... don't want lah ... don't disturb her... let her study lah ... then sitting there read my magazine alone. Dewan Masyarakat Magazine , mostly about politics , I really found it quite interesting with the way those writer twisting the whole story and shoot us nation ( who wasn't malays ) with their prejudice's and racist mind. Well , they are good , they knew being sarcastic is the best way to made the aren't malays people understand their meaning , by saying DAP influences and teaches Malays on conquering their own country , by saying that BN didn't really understand nation's heart and soul , so that's why malays came to DAP and support other races.


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