Today's exam... Business. I used the last few hours studying this one today :P ( lazy me ) but !! But !!! lol !! I could manage to finish it until the last question , muahahaha , they didn't get me anyway :p muahahaha !! Is easy as hell !! Oh well , just reading the key words that is , and create your own sentences , Smart leh ( aiyak !! Pukimak myself again here, gosh boy oh boy Oiii ! wake up !! Piak Piak !! ) But man , i found out that using the last minute to study, could be scoring a's too , because when you realize you didn't have much time left , you would concentrate more , and Yap , Soon , and me today was like having a speech over there (exclude Soon) :p especially Yap , man , you should see the way she memories those passage , is like a lawyer that keeps talking talking talking bla bla bla , so , was kinda annoying , i was totally AMAZED by her BRAVE action ( why i call it brave huh ? Because when everyone was trying to study quietly and was hoping for a peaceful environment , she was the only one there doing her so call speech , her voice man was indeed very annoying lah ~ i can't manage to concentrate on what i had remember then ) So i decided , to have a " WAR " with her , muahahahah !! Both of us , went crazy back then , keep DEBATING with each other ( only the thing is , our so called debates , doesn't have any relations with both side's OPINIONS :p ) I have my own topics , she had her own ones too , all's fair.
After finishing my HOLY examination , we decided to sent him , B.D , until the airport , He will be leaving to China today so ... not much time for celebration , but we did have our great time back then , in Mid Valley , The Garden , he decided to give us the last treats for his so long fairwell good bye ~ And each one of us , gave him a gift , as for souveniers , some of us had given him a mp3s player ( mickey mouse head de really cute ) , some bought him a very artistic photo frame which includes photos about us all together having such great and happy times before ~ I bought him a watch ... which is the one he always wanted , he was happy i guess , and burst into tears man was really touching when we were trying to convince him that , we'll still remember him always , and forever and was happy for having such a great pal in our life before. He promise to come back for us one day. Is a great far well party.
While on the airport , we greeted him really well ~ waiting for his flight to arrive in time. While everyone was going for toilet, I purposely make a tiny little time between us for some talk , because he doesn't really talk to me lately .... Kinda felt akward when , i was asking him something and he just answer ~ ( because usually won't , he will talk talk talk and talk until my ear tak boleh tahan , i think if accident happens , he wouldn't notice as well ) SO this time , is my turn to keep talking talking talking , like nuts. But honestly , I would felt some emptyness if he keeps zipping his lips and wouldn't talk to me like usually does, something was not feeling right , man i don't like this. And when i totally have nothing else to talk about , we both remain silence , until
he said >> .... " es , erm .. " ,
me >> " yes ? "
he stop a while , and continue again >> I will call you , ok ?
me >> " har ? " ( was kinda surprise , thought i would went wrong on that or something )
he repeat it again with some loud voice >> I will call you , ok ??
me >> " well.. ok .. " and smile and nodded
he just smile and nodded his head... i never seen him like that before. is.. humble.
13 may 2008 , was the day when our brother D left Malaysia. We will never forget that.
Here , i introduce a song for everyone of you who visit my blog ~ song for today is Just friend 普通朋友 by david tao 陶吉吉。Enjoy.
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