Thursday. Sunny.
Early in the morning again , waking up.. preparing
.... opps, wait a minute , today was Labour day , so no school for me...*sigh* sha gua me , so i 'll just ... lay down and go back to my sleeps again , for some few more hours
... But then i woke up , looking at the time , is only 8:30am ... haiz... bored..
don't know what else can i do... only in my mind , missing him again...yes you guys will sure gone crazy after hearing that , and say >> "
har ? Not again esther
, man i know you miss him lah~ but pls... don't you think is really annoying kept talking about the same old thing again
? " ( that's actually what my friends told me before ) But let me tell you that , the answer is no , cause the fact is , my mind kepts thinking about him ALL THE TIME , non stop... it is really a pain in the ass when you were missing someone else that much ... and i can tell you a hundred times that i miss him miss him miss him so much if.. you do wanna to hear that... is like his name were set into my mind and reminds about him... and his letters... yes his letters !! Ahh ! Don't know will it be arriving today ? Man can't wait to see that , pls postman pls !! Pls send his letter to me now... haiz... that's the only thing that i've wish for now.
Looking back those forums... i mean those forums which involves all ex form 5 students in year 2006, my school. Haha , the name of that forum , is SMKSS form 5 student ( 2006 ) , means it was widely open only for students from smkss form 5 , at the year of 2006. Only students with these qualifications can involve in its member list , other than that , i would have to say many times of sorry to you ( for those who wish to involve as well ) because it is a private forum.
So ... i was reading those topics , or they call those threads , i found that it was kinda different from what we have discussed before during the form 5 years... It was all about footballs and soccer for now , when to play , where to play , how to play , who will win the battle or who will lose the battle... only a few of them who were interested with soccer will involve in their discussion... but one thing for sure , it is not as funny as last time. So i was searching back those old times threads and topics ... using my whole day to read them ... And I even compared them... the new ones . There is a big difference between the last and the now... last time , we always love to made discussion about which teacher are the meanest in school , and which friend were the fuckest of all , which movies was the best , and when will be a gathering again , which friend doesn't like another friend... and so on... There were always ( at least ) a little bit argument between the guys and the guys ... and is a funny one lol , especially when they shoot meng juan
, and how meng juan fights back
, and how they felt more exciting and shoot him back again
, and how we girls love to see that and laugh for it
then meng juan will gone crying like a child
and came back later with a smiling faces again
... oh .. how wonderful was that. Although , it is kinda childish ... but every single one of us could feels the joy in it ... we were enjoying the moment altogether once , everything we've done , was all together. No worries were meant for us , maybe there is some worries , but worries about ? " Oh my god , tomorrow exam sure fail "
, or , " hey like that lah , we shoot down that page using the phone camera , then open the picture during exam , zoom it then can see the answer lo !! wakakak !!"
, for guys their worries was always about girlfriend and money , as for girls they worried more about their looks and their own presentation , or lack of pocket money , or families problem..We are smart , honestly , we are SMART. The way we escaping from teachers , our so call super tactics , hohoho , and the way we did those great performance and how we actually amazed those teachers , they way we run a clubs and society ( we always owns a post for clubs ) , we have all kinds of talents >> singing , dancing , music , computers knowledge , mathematics pro , director , acting , leadership mind , science and more more more... really , we are great. BUT believe me , we aren't good students , we rebelled , but still among them , there is some top students . For the last few minutes we might escape from the teachers after breaking all the rules in school , but for another few minutes , we will be holding a physics books discussing about the experiment , or i can say , arguing about it ( meng juan , choy , chin hung again , sometimes , we girls will argue as well ) ... And believe me , we love to absent from school , or skipping for some classes , hoho , teachers always noting down our FAMOUS name , and send it to the principal office , so what ? We'll do it again cheh. When we held gathering , make sure that everyone will be watching at us in the shopping complex , especially choy's dresses , he's the top of all wa kaka ( his fashionable sense is great ) , but chin hung will win's the girl's heart for his great look ( choy was kinda abit i mean jealous of that :P ) , all of us will dress attractively , and walk together in a huge group , with posting still , lol hoho !! If we choose to laugh , we will laugh till our ass off and everyone will be staring at us for a few seconds , cheh , we don't care. Just laugh.
Tears began to drop , *tears*
, i realize that , time had past really fast , and it change us all into a different person , the worst is , is separating every single moment of our friendship , and change it into pieces of memories and pictures in our mind. I can really sense the difference that appear in everyone of us , and some of them might be forgetting about those exciting moment we had been through together before...even me myself , trying so hard to remember back every single old memories in mind , but still it is harder than most hardest things that i've done before . I don't know when , that i will be one of them , throwing back these memories behind. Hope that won't happen. I must keep it.
Staring at the sun lights that flashing into my room through the windows , it feels like him...my sha gua... sun shines , is the best word to describe him ... especially when he smiles , how charming he was!!
It brought us all sun shines , and the lights of hopes.. and dreams... so i smile
... felts warm enough
.. and remember my sha gua
... smile always , that's your greatest charm of all.

Looking back those forums... i mean those forums which involves all ex form 5 students in year 2006, my school. Haha , the name of that forum , is SMKSS form 5 student ( 2006 ) , means it was widely open only for students from smkss form 5 , at the year of 2006. Only students with these qualifications can involve in its member list , other than that , i would have to say many times of sorry to you ( for those who wish to involve as well ) because it is a private forum.

Tears began to drop , *tears*

Staring at the sun lights that flashing into my room through the windows , it feels like him...my sha gua... sun shines , is the best word to describe him ... especially when he smiles , how charming he was!!

sun = sha gua.
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