Mother's Day History
The history of Mother's Day is centuries old and goes back to the times of ancient Greeks, who held festivities to honor Rhea, the mother of the gods. The early Christians celebrated the Mother's festival on the fourth Sunday of Lent to honor Mary, the mother of Christ. Interestingly, later on a religious order stretched the holiday to include all mothers, and named it as the Mothering Sunday. The English colonists settled in America discontinued the tradition of Mothering Sunday because of lack of time. In 1872 Julia Ward Howe organized a day for mothers dedicated to peace. It is a landmark in the history of Mother's Day.
In 1907, Anna M. Jarvis (1864-1948), a Philadelphia schoolteacher, began a movement to set up a national Mother's Day in honor of her mother, Ann Maria Reeves Jarvis. She solicited the help of hundreds of legislators and prominent businessmen to create a special day to honor mothers. The first Mother's Day observance was a church service honoring Anna's mother. Anna handed out her mother's favorite flowers, the white incarnations, on the occasion as they represent sweetness, purity, and patience. Anna's hard work finally paid off in the year 1914, when President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the second Sunday in May as a national holiday in honor of mothers.
Slowly and gradually the Mother's day became very popular and gift giving activity increased. All this commercialization of the Mother's day infuriated Anna as she believed that the day's sentiment was being sacrificed at the expense of greed and profit.
Regardless of Jarvis's worries, Mother's Day has flourished in the United States. Actually, the second Sunday of May has become the most popular day of the year. Although Anna may not be with us but the Mother's day lives on and has spread to various countries of the world. Many countries throughout the world celebrate Mother's Day at various times during the year, but some such as Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia, and Belgium also celebrate Mother's Day on the second Sunday of May.
"All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother." - Abraham Lincoln
Mother in a different language
French - Mere
German - Mutter
Hindi - Maji
Urdu - Ammee
English - Mom, Mummy, Mother
Italian - Madre
Portuguese - Mãe
Albanian - Mëmë; Nënë; Burim; Kryemurgeshë
Belarusan - Matka
Cebuano - Inahan; Nanay
Serbian - Majka
Czech - Abatyse
Dutch - Moeder; Moer
Estonian - Ema
Frisian - Emo, Emä, Kantaäiti, Äiti
Greek - Màna
Hawaiian - Makuahine
Hungarian - Anya, Fu
Ilongo - Iloy; Nanay; Nay
Indonesian - Induk, Ibu, Biang, Nyokap
Aquarius Mothers: Jan 20-Feb 18
If your mom happens to be an Aquarius, she probably has a large circle of unusual friends of whom she is very proud. Aquarian mothers also engage herself in the world, thereby extending her nurturing instinct. One thing is very peculiar about such mothers that they are more outwardly and different than other mothers but she's devoted and always gives you space and encourages your independence. The best idea would be to take her out for a lively dinner with some of her closest friends. The companionship and attention will make her day!
Perfect Mother's Day Gift: Even though she's an Air Sign, Aquarius mom appreciates being grounded in reality. She loves strange gifts, heartfelt surprises and almost anything that will augment her soul and keep her eager mind centered.
Aries Mothers: Mar 21-Apr 19
You may be planning to give your mom comforting and relaxing gifts like spa treatments or scented candles. Remember that her's is a Fire Sign and she is going to be fed up soon by all that sparkling and flowery stuff! In fact your Aries mother loves a good dare because she finds conflict exciting, which would explain some of your tiffs growing up. She is full of energy therefore don't bother indulging her senses or offering her escape. The idea of challenging her to a day of power shopping or other such exciting activities will make her day. And believe it, her energy will surprise you!
Ideal Mother's Day Gift: The Aries mothers are very active and therefore it makes great sense to present them something like membership of gym or billiards club etc. You can also present her with a gift certificate and a bunch of tiger lilies, which certainly match the energy level and vibrancy of the Aries mothers.
Cancerian Mothers: Jun 22-Jul 22
Cancerians woman make very good mothers. Cancerian mothers are sweet, traditional, unpredictable, enigmatic and fanciful. They love living in luxury, traveling, and taking care of their house. Take her to some nearby towns for antique shopping as they love past and tradition. As Cancerian mothers are strongly maternal, they like to stay at home and care for the family. Cancerian Mothers are among the most refined, sensual and dreaming. They prefer being occupied in social care rather than in society life. They hate vulgarities and love children.
Ideal Mother's Day Gift: Cancerians mothers love to have family and friends, to organize parties and to entertain at home - they make great hosts. So, arrange a grand get together at your home by inviting all the close relatives and her offspring's. This will make her day! They adore being covered with presents, flower and attention so go ahead and arrange some of the most beautiful and bright flowers for your dear mom.
Capricorn Mothers: Dec 22-Jan 19
Capricorn mothers are very particular and take to parenting very seriously. She always gives sacrifices for the sake of her kids, in her own typical ways. The Mother's Day is the perfect setting to pay rich tributes to her dedication and sacrifices. Take her to a food joint or other places like this which she really wanted to visit but couldn't because it was too pricey. Your mere realization of her true nature and doing things dear to her will touch the heart of this hard working lady.
Perfect Mother's Day Gift: Although she is soft and sentimental but, your Capricorn mom really appreciates being a little extravagance - and when it involves jewelry, her joy knows no bounds. So present her with a piece of jewellewry which she likes.
Gemini Mothers: May 21-Jun 21
Gemini mothers are generally quick witted and they have that sixth sense which let them to know of you and your schemes, so you can't surprise her with your imaginative Mother's Day plans. If you want to do that then you will really have to outsmart her! Gemini is an air sign and these mothers are generally playful and forthcoming. Such mothers like to enjoy a cocktail party with all of her closest and dear friends. One must not Gemini mothers and their emotions too seriously because herself doesn't take these things seriously.
Ideal Mother's Day Gift: A typical Gemini mother loves a bouquet of bright and colorful flowers. Regarding gifts, a Gemini is so fond of books and reading, so find out her favorite author and present her with some of her/his good works not read by your mom.
Leo Mothers: Jul 23- Aug 22
Leo mom takes immense pride in her family; therefore the perfect Mother's Day for her would be a grand gathering of her near and dear ones. To make the Mothers Day memorable, try to bring all her children and close relatives together. Even though there are a number of people gathered but she must be made to feel that it is really a special day. All the people who have gathered there should narrate some exciting and memorable experiences they ever shared with her. She should be cajoled to sing some of her favorite songs.
Ideal Mother's Day Gift: The Leo Moms feel elated and joyous when presented with something like sunflower blossoms - the sunflowers define the Leo mothers completely. And if she is presented with a card made by our own hands, it will be like icing on cake!
Libra Mothers : Sep 23-Oct 22
Libra mothers are very good at diplomacy. They are also very calm. This helps them to sort out problems and difficulties with much ease. She is master at ironing out conflicts and drives away the fears of her kids. She is very liberal, which may make her children take her for granted. They also get spoiled as a result. This is the opportunity to spoil her right back. Libra mother is a kind of person who likes to be pampered. She also likes to be treated with absolute royalty. So plan something which is truly royal and befits her nature- massage, manicure, pedicure, facial, mud bath and body wrap are some of the ideas to be tried out.
Ideal Mother's Day Gift: Libran moms are sentimental, romantic and sympathetic at heart. Present her with a beautiful bundle of roses. She'd be touched to receive roses from her beloved children. Her heart can also be won over by presenting homemade cards.
Piscean Mothers: Feb 19-Mar 20
Pisces mothers live in their own world of fantasy, dream ad creativity. Pisces mothers are good hearted and compassionate. They live their life in their own style. Fancy and creativity are their support systems and on this special day, you should help her to daydream and fantasize. Take her to a place where reality is on the edge for sometime, helping her to express her childlike purity and inquisitiveness. Make her feel that you truly understand her real nature and you will get to know that your mother is truly enjoying herself.
Ideal Mother's Day Gift: As Piscean mothers are daydreamers and live in the world of fantasy, they should be gifted something which is calming and soothing. It will help her to escape for the time being. The idea of going to a peaceful place can be a very good present for the lady.
Sagittarius Mothers: Nov 22-Dec 21
As the Sagittarian mom likes excitement and adventure, a visit to her favorite place can be a good idea on this Mother's day. You can take your mom to a nearby town and shop for antiques. A long ride to the countryside can be another exciting option. This is the occasion to let your mom know that you appreciate her energy level and spirit. This will make her more than happy. A Sagittarian mom also likes to be a busy person therefore a nice party can also be arranged on this Mother's Day. She is sure to jump with joy, on the idea of mixing with her close pals.
Ideal Mother's Day Gift: Sagittarius mothers generally like perfumes with strong smell. Thus gifting her with perfumes of different fragrance would make her joyful. Another idea would be to gift her walkman and a few of her favorite songs.
Scorpio Mothers: Oct 23-Nov 21
The most important quality of a scorpion mother is that she is the best friend of her children. She always helps her children to confide their thoughts and problems in her. She's all in one-she's your mom; she's your best friend, your teacher, your role model and your guardian angel! This Mother's Day is the ideal time to tell her that she is indeed a great person. This is the time to honor her with a calm, pleasant and cozy dinner with the closest members of the family. This is also the ideal time to appreciate her about being a multifaceted woman.
Ideal Mother's Day Gift: As Scorpio mom's have an individualistic attitude, their taste invariably goes towards loving plant life. So, different varieties of flower, medicinal and herbal plants can be gifted to her.
Taurus Mothers: Apr 20-May 20
The Taurus moms are always hard working when it comes to mothering. They are also very affectionate and protective. So, this Mother's day is the right occasion to help her to take a day off. Mother's day party and other such activities will add all the joy and happiness to her life. Taurus moms love rich and sumptuous food; therefore the menu of the Mother's day party should be left to her choice. A little sensory extravagance and your entire attention should be enough to please your mom's fondness for joy.
Ideal Mother's Day Gift: Taurus mom's soft and sentimental nature can be bowled over by gifting her with a bouquet of tropical hibiscus- she will just love them. Their soft, billowy petals appeal to her tangible nature. We can make her more happy and joyous by wrapping the gifts in attractive and bright papers.
Virgo Mothers: Aug 23-Sep 22
The Virgo moms are generally very particular about cleanliness; she perhaps cleans the house to relax! She pays a lot of attention on vacuuming the living room or trimming the hedges. She gets immense joy from bringing order to her immediate surroundings. She is a kind of person who doesn't want her daily routine to be disturbed, therefore it is advisable not to throw a big surprise Mother's day party. Virgo mothers don't like a fuss to be made on their behalf! The best idea would be to take her out to a fine restaurant for lunch and present her a tidy bouquet of narcissus flowers.
Ideal Mother's Day Gift: As Virgo moms are very particular about time therefore they would love anything which is timesaving. So it's time to ponder over if you have other ideas in mind. Any gift which will help her to save time is a sure welcome.
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